Hello ,

Its important to keep your applications and OS updated in order to avoid any risk & get new features. apt is command which should be used to perform below operations.

1. apt list  (show all the installed packages)

2. apt search XXXXX (package name to search)

3. apt show XXXX (write package name to get more details)


4. apt update (list all the avaliable package,which were installed and no longer needed)

5. apt upgrade (update all the packages)

6. apt install xxxxx (Install the specific package)

7. apt reinstall xxxxx (reinstall the specific package)

8. apt remove xxxxx (remove the specifc package)

9. apt autoremove (auto remove all the unused package)

10. apt full-upgrade (upgrade the system by install / removeing /upgrade package )

11. apt edit-sources (edit the source for package)

12. apt satisfy (satisfy the dependancy string)


Dont forget to read more on other articles and upgrade your skills.


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