Hello Citrix Admin,

Many of the orgnizations are in the race of deploying MS products in RDS environment.

Here is the procedure for rolloing out MS Team and OneDrive in Citrix environment.

1. Download the latest MS Teams MSI from Microsoft https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/msi-deployment

2. Exclude MS Teams and onedrive from office 365 deployment package if you are putting complete office suits on Server otherwise onedrive and team will get installed on User mode.

3. Goal is to deploy one drive and ms teams in machine based installation.

4. Install Teams with this parameters:

   msiexec /i <path_to_msi> /l*v <install_logfile_name> ALLUSER=1 ALLUSERS=1

5. Download OneDrive and install it with this parameter:
   OneDriveSetup.exe /allusers

6. Added run once registry key in user hive for onedrive to apply once only.

7. if you notice MS teams crashing on Servers the add Teams process in Citrix Hooks and should be fine (mostly seen with 2016 OS).

8. Restart the master image if you are using PVS or act accordingly 

9. push the image to Production Server and you should be able to see team and onedrive execution path from c:\program file x86\.... or c:\program file directory based on 32 or 64 bit client deployment.

Please feel free to write back to me in case of any further query.

Note: please ensure you are using FSlogix for best user experience.


Amit (webadmin)