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Start Learning Citrix NetScaler - Part 1

Hi NetScaler Admin

Let's start learning Citrix NetScaler from Scratch and will cover the following netScaler Section under this.

After this Session would be able to handle the following Netscaler stuff.


1. Basic introduction to NetScaler (

2. Architect solution any NetScaler environment

3.  NetScaler solution with High Availability

4. Load balance, monitor and improve reliability for any Application by using NetScaler

5. Optimize web application performance and how to avoid a large-scale outage 

6. Secure Web Applications

7. Secure XenApp Traffic

8. configure Citrix Access Gateways.


We will try to publish some self-made videos and written articles to share content for this Session.

Please follow the NetScaler Sections and try utilizing the content to boost your knowledge.


Amit Gupta

CCA in XenApp / XenDesktop . XenServer, Google Cloud Architect, MCSE  ITIL , Vmware Certified.


Excellent Article to identify the Traffic tuilization and predict cost

Hi Cloud Admins


Here is very good article on the internet which explain the easy way to analyze your egress traffic and Google follow the same network charge mechanism to earn money :)


ingress traffic:-  Data originating outside the local network and process towards internal network . that is transmitted to a station within the network and google cloud dont charge for ingress traffic.


Egress Traffic:- Egress is apposite of it.  any traffic originating from LAN towards Regions, Internet or initiate from regions towards another region.




How to generate list of MS patchs on Server

Hi Admin

Here is the list of commands can be used to generate the installed patches on windows Server.

Option 1

Get psinfo from

Run psinfo -h to get the list of hotfixes

Option 2

Another method that doesn't require 3rd party software using wmic; just type: wmic qfe from the command line. The default output gives really long lines, so you might be better off redirecting to a file and viewing it in your favourite text editor.

Variations on a theme include:

wmic qfe list full
wmic qfe get HotfixID,ServicePackInEffect,InstallDate,InstalledBy,InstalledOn
wmic qfe where "HotfixID = 'KBXXXXXX'"
wmic qfe where "HotfixID = 'KBXXXXXX'" get HotfixID, InstallDate, InstalledBy, InstalledOn
wmic qfe where "HotfixID = 'KBXXXXXX" list full
wmic /node:myserver qfe list full

Option 3
Use Powershell to do the same thing.

Local: get-wmiobject -class win32_quickfixengineering
Remote: get-wmiobject -class win32_quickfixengineering -computername mysever

Again, this can take filters, for example:

get-wmiobject -class win32_quickfixengineering -filter "HotfixID = 'KBXXXXXX'"
...or as it's Powershell, just pipe through where-object.

Option 4

You can try this instead:

$Session = New-Object -ComObject Microsoft.Update.Session
$Searcher = $Session.CreateUpdateSearcher()
$Searcher.Search("IsInstalled=1").Updates | ft -a Date,Title



Amit Gupta

How to unbind cipher from NetScaler device

Hi Admins

Please find the commands to unbind the Cipher from VServer.

Run the following command to create an user-defined group:

ADD SSL Cipher to Netscaler VServer

Add ssl cipher <cipherGroupName>

Run the following command to bind ciphers to a group:

bind ssl cipher <cipherGroupName> -cipherName <string>

Show the Cipher

Show SSL cipher Vserver <Vserver name>

How to bind the SSL cipher to Vserver

Bind SSL Cipher VServer <Vservername> -ciphername <Ciphername string>

Unbind the SSL Cipher for Vserver

unbind ssl cipher <cipherGroupName> -cipherName <string>



Amit Kumar Gupta




How to configure Appflow and syslogs on netscaler

Hi Citrix Admin


Here is good link for how to configure Syslog and Appflow.


more details:


Amit Gupta

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